Sunday, January 22, 2012


We were on a walk at a nearby National Historic Site, when I snapped this shot.  It made me think.  Do I have a boundary in my life.  Is there a fence blocking me from a closer walk with God, and unselfish ministry to others?  Am I living a full, unfenced life in Jesus, or have I corralled myself into a corner?  Does God have a bigger plan for me? 

I have decided, by the grace of God, to have a much closer walk with Him, to break down that fence of selfishness, give my time, my energy, my all to God.

Is there a boundary keeping you from God?


  1. "My time, my energy, my all..."
    You and me both, my friend. You and me both.

  2. Oh, William, I'm in on it, too. I can't wait to see what God will do with us as we let Him use us! It's exciting...

  3. Great on the photography too!


I would love to hear your thoughts.