Sunday, July 17, 2011

My Little Miracles

When I was about 4 or 5, I love Marigolds.  But there was one little difficulty. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pronounce their name correctly.  I called them, "Miracles!"

Miracle is a fitting name for any flower, for in truth, it is a miracle.  The metamorphosis between a seed and and a plant, a plant and a flower is truly a miracle, for no matter how hard man tries, they can't make life from a pile of screws and bolts, or a blob of lifeless plastic.  Only our Creator, our loving God, can make anything grow.  And what an astounding job He did with the miracle of the Marigold.

What would we do without God?


  1. Beautiful pictures! :-) And truly, every flower is a miracle!

  2. I agree. Each flower a miracle. How much more is each family member and friend a miracle?

    By the way, I enjoy observing your creativity and artistic eye each time you tweak the design of your blog. It's fun to see you experiment!

  3. Loved this little story. Your photos are beautiful!

    kateri @


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