Monday, January 14, 2013

GYC 2012!!

Stepping on the bus was a big thing for me.
It meant I had made it. I was going to GYC even after all the talk of not going. As I sat in the plush seats waiting for the bus to start, I thought, "Just six hours and I will be there." The bus' brightly colored ceiling roused me to my senses as the giant bus lurched forward.
About six hours later we were in Seattle. It was fabulous! Within minutes of our arrival I spotted Joshua Neblett walking down the sidewalk. 
After settling in our hotel, we went to register. I saw so many familiar faces! What seemed like minutes later, it was already the next morning. Time was flying by like it was in a Ferrari
The meal 's were fabulous, the sermons were grate outreach was wonderful. I even sang with the Stateline youth choir for a special music for the Sunday noon meeting.
One of my favorite things about GYC was meeting Richard Steffens in person 
                               Please check out his videos ^ with the link above!
 My conclusion is simply if you did not go YOU MISED OUT!!!!!!!