Monday, March 5, 2012

My Favorite Part of Spring

 On Sunday morning, I woke up to a brilliant world, sparkling with sunlight.  I had worship, got up, ate breakfast, and quickly bounded outside to take some photos while the light still lasted.  Around here, right now, the morning might start out great, but most likely by 10 a.m. we are back under a cloud cover.  But this morning was different.  It stayed sunny all day, and warm.  It got up to 65 degrees!  I did not need a coat, it was so warm!  What a contrast to the snow last week!
As I eagerly ventured outside, the birds were singing, the frogs were croaking, and the wind was playing a merry tune in the trees.
This is my favorite kind of day.  It makes me think about how wonderful God was to create such a perfect world.  He could have made it like the moon, or mars, bare and desolate.  But he didn't, he made it full of life, sound and color.  And he gave us the ability to enjoy it in hundreds of different ways.
When I got out there, hearing the frogs croak, made me wonder if perhaps I could photograph one.  It didn't come to my mind that maybe I could even photograph two.  I wasn't sure I would be able to find one, much less photograph it.  But I silently crept in the direction the sound of a croaking frog.  I looked around, and to my amazement, the sound was coming from inside the greenhouse.  I was almost ready to turn back, when I thought, "It won't hurt to go in and take a look."  So I moved the brick that holds the door shut, opened it, and walked in to the hot house.  It might have been 80 or 90 degrees in there.  I was sweating from the moment I walked in.  But there they were, two little beauts, Pacific Tree Frogs, the most common frogs in our area.  Their colors range from brown to green and even blue.
When I finished taking photos of the two little frogs in the greenhouse.  I decided to go take photos of the crocus, which were blooming at their height.  When I got there, a little green tree frog, about 1/4 of an inch long, sat there looking at me, next to the crocus.  I snapped some photos of him there (see the first photo in this post), then I tried to put him on a crocus for some more photography, but those photos didn't turn out.
What an invigorating morning for viewing God's creation!  I'm so thankful!

Is there any spring appearing in your life?  Post it on your blog, and come back and tell me where to go see it.

Thank you, Mother, for typing this post for me today.