Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beauty Like a Butterfly

One lovely Sabbath we left for the mountains near our home.  There were many flowers.  With the flowers were special little insects that seemed to float on the air-- amazing creatures that make flying look effortless.  Butterflies are one of God's greatest parcels of beauty.  They aren't very big, but their beauty makes up for their size.

So should we be.  Though we, as children, are small, we should strive to develop an admirable character: gentle, full of love and grace.  It should more than make up for our size.

Photo taken with 18-55mm lens at an ISO of 200, with my Pentax K200D.

1 comment:

  1. "...parcels of beauty..."

    You've strung words together wonderfully, Sir William! And your words have pointed me to the Creator of all beauty. Thank you for continuing to share the photos and thoughts. They are a constant encouragement and delight to me.


I would love to hear your thoughts.